Care of our Common Home

Ko Taranaki Te Maunga! Ko Waingongoro Te Awa!

The Waingongoro is a small river that cascades down from the melted snows of Mt Taranaki. It meanders through farms across country roads through bush and valleys and under the main street of Eltham township continuing on across farmlands and wet lands eventually spilling out into the Tasman Sea!

The Waingongoro was the adventure playground of our childhood and the most daringness dare of all was to wade in the water through the dark and scary underpass that ran under Bridge St! The water was cold and scary carrying waste from dairy farming, industries and town sewerage feeding the eels and creepy crawlies that swam under the surface.

How refreshing that modern techniques and improved farming practices have enhanced the water quality of our rivers and streams. I have always loved water. I am a Piscean!

My River Parable

Like a river I don’t entirely have a life of my own.
It’s shaped and shared by tributaries,
climate, seasons and environment.

It starts quietly, gathers momentum, meets obstacles.
Carves new path ways, making new patterns.
It flows and cascades, leaps and bubbles.
Its wide smooth narrow turbulent carving creating.
Its water pure and fresh washing clean.
It’s a life force
giving oxygen and new life, peace harmony.

The river shapes its environment… searches out its destiny…
seeks its goal relentlessly…
rolls on timelessly.
It’s finally welcomed by the wide expanse of the ocean
there it wraps round the universe keeping it in balance, in harmony, in rhythm, in place.
A river can delight, nurture… flood or dry up.
A sparkling river is a vein of life enriching, enhancing, enlivening.
Respect our rivers…enjoy them.
Like me a river is on a journey from its origin to its destiny.

Barbara Henley

The Waikanae River