How we live out our life as Sisters of the Missions is our unique Charism.
It is divine energy. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
It is expressed in the life, example, dream and aspirations that Euphrasie Barbier had for her Sisters.
Her dream was to bring faith, education and love to the poor and the marginalised.

This amazing dream is being lived out in our schools and colleges, medical clinics and cooperatives, communities and homes, parishes and retreat centres, wherever the Sisters are on mission in different countries, across cultures, boundaries and creeds today.
We are spirit-filled women living within a dream…Euphrasie’s dream, the Congregation’s dream, our own dream. We share in a community based lifestyle, giving corporate witness within an international Congregation of women.

We have a contemplative dimension alongside an active mission reaching out to the poor and marginalised … sharing the Good News and helping care for this fragile Earth we have been entrusted with.
We are women of courage. Some are inspirational leaders; some are instigators of creative thought and energy: some are working among diverse cultures and in distant countries. We are witnessing to something so sacred we are prepared to give up personal ambition, ownership and intimacy to fulfil our ministry.

This sacredness is our God source, our life source. It is not without responsibilities and challenges. However the unity in the one Mission gives us security, purpose, satisfaction, integrity, stimulation and as it was for Euphrasie it may give adventure.
Our Charism is ever evolving…. it is where the reign of God is needed most. It develops from age to age and dies from age to age … and then grows up in a new way.

We are an international community yet we are one in heart and mind. We are at home with one another because of our common heritage our shared story, the same service of love.
God is on Mission in each one of us!